Hollywood VRS Particiaptes in the Annual Colonial Beach Parade
By Engineer Greg Whitman
June 12, 2015

Every year, the second weekend in June is the Colonial Beach Potomac River Festival. This annual event begins with the Colonial Beach Fireman's Parade. If you have never attended this event, it is different from most parades. First, it is known as one of the loudest parades, as participants are not only allowed, but also encouraged, to not only run the parade route using their emergency lights, but also their sirens and air horns! Word to the wise, bring ear plugs! Second, this parade goes beyond practicing the art of "Wax On, Wax Off." Participants are not only judged on how clean their apparatus is, but also how well it is laid out and the knowledge of their crews. It is definitely an enjoyable event not only for the participants, but the spectators really enjoy it as well. If you ever get the chance to go, please do!

So, Friday afternoon, two members of Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad cleaned Ambulance 799 and made the trip across the Potomac River to take part. We are very proud to say the crew returned home with two awards, Best Appearing Rescue Squad (Out of State) and Best Appearing Basic Life Support Unit.

Units: A-799
Hyperlinks: Colonial Beach Potomac River Festival